Blend Design and Functionality With Recessed Storage

Open floor plans are becoming even more popular among today’s homeowners. It is clear that creative methods will be necessary for keeping clutter out of the way. Most people simply do not want to add another cabinet, build more shelves, or do anything that intrudes on their living space. The solution is the use of recessed storage, and you may be surprised at the many ideal spots in your home where this can be installed.

  1. Behind the door shoe storage. It can be difficult to find the ideal space for all your shoes. Lateral, open storage behind your bedroom door can make shoe selection easy, and you will always know where to find them.
  2. The kitchen. This space offers a wealth of opportunities for recessed storage. Hidden panels can secure items you will not need to use often. The special tableware that you save for special occasions doesn’t need to be kept on the min shelves. You can even put in a hidden pantry in your kitchen.
  3. The bathroom. Keeping your bath products in the bathroom saves time, and ensure that you have access to them when you need them. Recessed storage in the bathroom also helps to keep the space tidy. This type of storage can also work for a bathroom that lacks a medicine cabinet.
  4. Children’s bedrooms. Kids have a hard time keeping their rooms tidy, so recessed storage could be the perfect solution. They can put away books, toys, and other items, and they can decorate the door with posters and artwork.
  5. The blank walls of your home’s hallways can be put to good use. The thickness of the walls will limit the kinds of items you can store, but it can still help to keep your home organized. Ideas for utilizing these spaces for storage are jewelry, books, stationery, and various knickknacks.

Creating Recessed Storage

Determine the extent of your storage needs before you start planning where your new storage area will live. Mark the locations where you want to keep certain items for the sake of organization, and to ensure easy access. Before any work starts, you need to know the location of electrical wires, pipes, and vents. You will be using a wall cavity, so there should be no obstructions.

It is unwise to attempt this as a do-it-yourself project if you lack experience with this type of work. Give us a call or message us on Facebook to talk about ways to create hidden storage. If you are planning some work like an addition to your home, this is a good chance to look at, and deal with your storage needs.

Tri-Lite Builders is a premier builder and remodeler in the Phoenix, Arizona area. We provide top-notch remodeling services to homeowners throughout the greater Phoenix area. Give us a call at (480) 895-3442 if you would like to discuss your upcoming remodeling project in detail or schedule an appointment for a consultation.

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Steve Shinn, CR

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