2019 can be a big year for you, especially if you take the time to finally do that home addition that you have been dreaming of! Imagine all the new space that you and your family will have and how you finally won’t be tripping over each other as you go about your days and nights.

Here are 4 things to do as you are planning for your 2019 home addition:

  1. Create a Budget: Now that you know that you want a home addition built onto your home, you are going to need to decide how much you want and can spend on this venture. The amount that you choose should be reasonable, as this is not something that you can do for a few thousand dollars. However, you do not want to choose an amount that is so high that you will never recoup those costs when you sell.
  2. Find Your Property Lines: There is nothing worse that creating a design for your home addition and then finding out that your property lines will not support that design! We recommend that the first thing that you do, after deciding that you want to construct a home addition, is find your property lines and learn the codes of how close you can build to them.
  3. Create a Design that Works with Your Current Home: This step is not something that you will be able to do on your own unless of course, you are an architect or residential designer. Therefore, we recommend that you hire someone to work with you to create a design that will work with your current space. After all, you don’t want your home addition to look like it just dropped out of the sky and landed in a heap in a weird spot!
  4. Utilize Your Design to Create the Plans for Your Home Addition: The plans that you have created during this step will include all the materials that will be used during the construction process. It will take time for you to decide which materials you want to use throughout this space, which is why this can be the most time-consuming and frustrating part. We do recommend that you choose multiple materials for each item on the list, as you may find that you need to compromise in some areas due to your budget and the availability of some materials.

Constructing a home addition can be challenging, but the above steps can make the process much easier for you and your family. If you follow these steps carefully, you will have everything in place when the construction phase starts. That means that almost all the work can be done without problems arising on the items that you planned out so carefully. Of course, you may still have a few other issues pop up, but those will seem mild in the end!

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Steve Shinn, CR

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